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IS 6623



IS 6623 / ISO 4775

Mechanical Property : 8.8 or 10.9 as per ISO 898 (2), IS 1367 (6)

Threads : ISO Metric 6H Class as per ISO 965, IS 4218

Dia M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M36
Pitch 2 2.5 2.5 3 3 3.5 4
d 26.16 - 27.00 33.00 - 34.00 35.00 - 36.00 40.00 - 41.00 45.00 - 46.00 49.00 - 50.00 58.80 - 60.00
h 16.40 - 17.10 19.40 - 20.70 22.30 - 23.60 22.90 - 24.20 26.30 - 27.60 29.10 - 30.70 35.00 - 36.60
Proof Load in N  8.8S 168900 263400 325700 379500 403400 603100 878300
10.9S 195500 305000 377200 439500 571500 698400 1017200
Weight (kg./1000 Pc) 60.4 115.3 142.8 197.7 282.3 365 600

All data for information purpose only. For more details on product standards or dimensions, please feel free to contact us at info@capitalbolts.in


*A star rated export house recognized by govt of india*